I can Try New Foods
Trying new foods means eating something that I haven't tried before.
It is important that I am willing to try new foods. I can then find out whether I like them or not. Some foods I will like straight away. Some foods I will not like at all. And some foods will be just OK. Sometimes I will like a food that I didn't like before. It is OK to try foods again to taste whether I like them now or not.
Trying new foods is important to ensure that I eat a balanced and varied diet. Eating different types of vegetables, fruits and grains can help me stay healthy.
If I try to eat new foods my parents and other adults may be pleased with me.
Trying new foods is OK as I might discover a new food that I really like. If I eat a varied diet I am looking after my health.
Taste and Texture
Different foods have different tastes and different textures.
We are all different in the foods we like. Some people like strong flavours whilst others prefer foods that are more bland. Some people like foods with interesting textures and some people prefer simple foods. Everyone is different and this is OK. A person's taste usually changes as they get older. Many adults like foods that they didn't like when they were children.
We can learn to like a wider range of foods if we are willing to keep trying new tastes and textures. This can help the body's sense of taste develop and grow. This is important as staying healthy means eating a varied diet with lots of vegetable, fruit and grains.
We all have foods that we like and foods we do not like but this changes as we get older. By being willing to try new foods our taste will develop. We can then enjoy a wider range of foods as part of our healthy diet.
Trying New Foods
Trying new foods means eating something that we don't usually eat.
To be healthy we need to eat a balanced diet made up of lots of different foods. This means we need to keep trying new foods.
Trying new foods is not always easy. Some of the foods we try we will like straight away. But many foods that we try we don't like at first. This is very normal. It is a way our body helps to protect itself. It stops young children just eating anything, such as a poisonous plant. So when we have healthy food on our plate; we have to learn to like it. Sometimes we need to try a food about 7 times before we start to like it.
If we don't try new foods it can make people who look after us very upset. Trying a small amount of a new food each time will help. We might not like it but we will be OK.
We need plenty of different foods to live and be healthy. It is OK to feel a bit worried about a new food but it is important to keep trying. Even if we don't like the food we will be OK.
Trying New Foods
Trying new foods is eating foods that we don't usually eat.
To keep our body nice and healthy it is important that we try lots of different foods.
It can be fun to try new foods. But it can also be scary. It is OK to worry about trying a new food:
Will it taste nice?
What will it feel like?
Will it be easy to eat?
Some foods we like the first time we try them. Some we don't like.
People usually find that the more they keep trying a food the more they begin to like it. Sometimes it takes weeks or months of trying the same food before it is OK to eat.
If we don't try new foods it can make the people who look after us very upset. Eating just a little bit of a food we dislike is usually OK.
We need lots of different foods to be healthy. It is OK to feel a bit worried about a new food but it is also OK to try them.