Playing With MySELF
Playing with myself is when I enjoy touching my sexual parts.
Sometimes it feels nice when I touch myself. It is OK to enjoy touching my sexual parts. But my sexual parts are also my private parts. This means I should keep them private. I should only touch them when I am somewhere private. This is usually my bedroom or the bathroom.
Many people enjoy touching their sexual parts. But they do this in private. They do not do this in public. People do not like to see other people touch their sexual parts in public places. There are strict rules about this and it is usually against the law.
I can make sure I only touch myself when I am at home and alone. If other people see me they may be upset and cross. I could get into lots of trouble if I play with myself when other people are present.
Playing with myself in private is OK. Playing with myself in public is never OK.
Touching YOurself
'Touching yourself' is when a person touches their private parts.
There are lots of reasons why people touch their private parts. You may need to touch them when you go to the toilet or clean yourself. It can also sometimes feel good to touch your private parts.
We call these parts of our body our 'private parts' because we usually don't let other people see them. We also don't usually touch these parts of our body unless we are alone. We tend to only touch them when we are in the toilet, having a bath or shower and when we are in our own bedroom.
Touching our private parts in public is not OK. It makes other people feel uncomfortable and can make them angry or cross with you.
Touching yourself is OK if you do it somewhere private. Touching yourself in public is never OK.